Friday, March 16, 2012

Hide Facebook Timeline with a Chrome extension

Still not getting used to Facebook's Timeline look? The TimelineRemove extension is a simple Chrome extension that lets you hide it.

After initially feeling confused and complaining about Facebook's Timeline interface, I now must admit that I like the cover-photo design and am starting to get used to the two-column layout. But if you reject Facebook's latest overhaul and use Chrome, there's an extension that will return you to the old look.

I wish all Chrome extensions worked as well as TimelineRemove. The extension installs quickly and gives you easy, two-click access to disabling Facebook's Timeline view.
After installing the extension, you'll see a button added to Chrome's toolbar. Click it, then toggle between enabling and disabling the Timeline view with the "Status: TimeLine Remove" link in the small window below the button. A green check-mark icon means the extension is disabling the Timeline view; a red X means the extension is not blocking Timeline. And if you want to hide the Timeline and keep it hidden, you can right-click on the button to hide it, leaving the extension running in the background.